
Britches Are Not for Little Girls. Andi is five years old, and she wants to wear the overalls Riley told her about. Her new friend has just arrived on the Circle C ranch. Will Mother and Father agree? 

The Best Gift of All. Andi is six years old. She's too young to earn money (and is not good at saving her pennies anyway) to buy her mother a birthday gift. What can Andi do instead?

Aunt Rebecca and the Hat Eight-year-old Andi dreads any visit from Aunt Rebecca, and this turns out to be one of the worst . . . but turns into what becomes one of her best. 

A Matter of Honor. Andi's brother Justin is strong, patient, and smart. He got his first notion of being a lawyer when he was only ten years old and wanted justice for his younger sister Katherine.  

A Cattle Drive Is Not for Greenhorns. This mini-novel is set in June 1880, two months after the events in Long Ride Home. Andi has just turned twelve and goes along on a short cattle drive. (This story is the basis for what eventually became Heartbreak Trail.) 

Jenny Bolt: Homecoming. Mrs. M wrote this fan fiction years ago for the TV series, Here Come the Brides. In this story, you will find the original Jenny (whom I invented for my fan fiction story). Then I changed Jenny Bolt to Jenny Grant for San Francisco Smugglers.

Adios, Jeffrey Sullivan. This story is from the old, old Andrea Carter's Tales from the Circle C Ranch, which is going out of print and being replaced with an Anniversary Edition titled Andrea Carter and More Tales from the Circle C Ranch, releasing Winter 2025. This story will not be included in the new edition. 

Thanksgiving on Memory Creek Ranch. Combined from a four-part Andi's journal from a couple of years ago, I thought I'd include this story for easy access. 

Circle C Stories by Other Talented Writers

Occasionally, a fan fiction story comes in that is much too long for the fan fiction collection but is also extremely well written, portraying the Circle C characters spot on. Here are five such stories, one from an adult and fellow author friend and contest judge. 

The Return of the Outlaws. This 13,000-word novella is too long to be a true fan fiction, but Ellen won two annual contests and has also ghost-written Andi's Journal posts for me in the past, so she's "earned" her place here. Andrea Prescott faces her most difficult challenge yet. 

Higher Ways Than Ours. (I unpublished this story because I am going to include it in a PRINT book, with the author's permission). This 14,000-word novella is too long for a fan fiction story, but Anna won her place here by winning the 2021 Circle C annual contest. James Carter has recently been killed. How do various members of the Carter family respond and cope? 

Ellie Coulter. (I unpublished this story because I am going to include it in a PRINT book, with the author's permission). This 10,000-word novella originally started out as a multi-part fan fiction story back in 2018. How did Ellie Coulter come to be Chad's wife? You will know the answer after you read this story. 

A New Kind of Gingerbread. Originally posted as a three-part Andi's Journal entries, Ellen Senechal brings you a humorous-turned-deadly story.

Andi's Christmas Mystery Twelve-year-old Andi Carter is sure Christmas 1880 will be ruined. Now that she's been to the governor's Christmas ball once (last year), it's assumed she will attend again this year. How will she survive? (written by my "Andi" contest-writing judge, Ms. Donna Patton.  Donna's website >>


  1. Do you have an update on the Christmas Collection book?

  2. I noticed that Andi's Christmas Blizzard isn't up on the coming - up audio stories on the blog, so i remembered this. Just wondering, is the book goanna be cheaper on the blog or on Amazon? If it will be offered on the blog, will it be in the fan fun pack? Or will it be a Christmas special? Thanks. I really like the cover, by the way. :)

    1. The blog price and the Amazon price are the same, and we both give free shipping, but only my website offers it autographed. :-)

    2. It will be offered individually and also in the Fun Pack (a 4-book pack now).

    3. The Circle C Christmas collection has been taken down . . . since some of the stories will be in the new 2-book collection coming out in 2025.

  3. I think that you should record all of the stories above as audiobooks. Though some are longer, I can wait for it to come out. But not the stories not penned by you unless the authors are in agreement.

    1. They are way too long for one thing. And also, there is no way to get hold of those other past authors.

  4. What happened to Andi on her 13th Christmas? Can i write about that?

    1. That was the year (January 2) Taffy foaled the twins (Thick as Thieves). So the family stayed home that Christmas. But sure! You can write about it. :-)

    2. Can you list all the names of the Carter family’s horses?

    3. Well . . maybe. Why don't you just go to the Behind the Scenes and read the horses for yourself? *wink*

  5. Oh...i see. What about when she turned 15? I want to write about a Christmas not mentioned in the books

  6. You should take these stories and make them into a book!
    Its just a idea, totally up to you! But I think it would be awesome. I would definitely get/buy it!! :)
    And you can always write more to add on here, maybe after you finish/almost done with the goldtown books! I know it might be a while but I'm willing to wait!!! :)
    Keep writing Mrs M!!!! :D
    -Sara M

    1. I'm thinking about asking my publisher if I can take that old Tales from the Circle C Ranch and rewrite it and add a bunch of these "better" stories to it.

    2. Kregel said yes, and the stories I took down will be in the new book(s). Two of them, but only the stories that are SET during the time period of just before or during the Circle C Adventures series.

  7. hi I would like to set a bit of the story I'm writing in the Christmas where Andi is 17 when she is courting Riley is there anything that happened or have you not writen about that Christmas.
    also I am such a big fan.

    1. It's all open. I have not written anything Christmasy when they are courting. Only the first Christmas after they marry. That I have written (in Yosemite at Last and Other Tales . . .)

    2. However, next Christmas is coming up (2023) and I might end up writing a courting Christmas story just so I have something to post on the blog. So, better hurry before I do it. LOL

    3. It appears that neither you nor I got around to writing a Christmas Courting Story. Maybe I will for Christmas 2024!

  8. AndiCarter'sBiggestFanMarch 12, 2023 at 10:42 AM

    Mrs. M, are you going to add 'Ellie Coulter parts 1-11' onto this page as a short story?

    1. Well, sure. I could. But do you know where it is right now? If so, send me the link and I'll move it over here. I don't know where it is.

    2. The Ellie Coulter story is published here now, in its place of honor.

  9. I think you should include Higher ways than ours and Ellie Coulter into your new book. Those were my favorites.
    - Frieda G.

    1. I considered it, but two things prevent me from doing so. 1) All of the new stories in the new Circle C Adventures #7 must stay within the Circle C Adventures timeframe, and this story is set just before the Circle C Beginnings. 2) I have no way of contacting the author of this story for permission to use it. The story doesn't belong to me. It is Anna's. But that is a great compliment to Anna.

    2. Oh, and the Ellie Coulter story same thing. Mostly, though, it is set during the Milestones era, and it would make no sense to include it in a Circle C Adventures book since readers of that series would have no context about who Ellie is.

    3. And I have no way of contacting this author, Emily Siburt, either. 2018 is a LONG time ago and she has grown up and no doubt moved on from this blog.


Share your thoughts or give suggestions for new stories!